
Papiamentu nouns are easy to use. They do not have complicated case inflections or irregular plurals. 





The definite article, corresponding to English the, is e.


The indefinite article, corresponding to English a or an, is un.


buki : book

e buki : the book

un buki : a book 


The articles are not used as often in Papiamentu as in English. 


NOTE: The word e also serves as a pronoun meaning he, she, or it.





The plural form of a noun can be indicated by adding the suffix -nan. However, -nan is not normally used when context or shared knowledge makes it clear that the noun represents more than one thing.


E bukinan ta riba mesa.

The books are on the table.


Mi tin hopi buki.

I have many books.


NOTE: When the definite article precedes a plural noun, -nan normally is used.


Mi a bishitá e tres islanan.

I visited the three islands.


According to Goilo, Papiamentu speakers occasionally move the -nan suffix to the adjective that comes after the noun, as in e kas bunitanan "the beautiful houses."


NOTE: As a freestanding word, nan serves as a pronoun meaning they or them. 






T. Dovale, G. Dammers and B. Lockwood Getting around the Islands in Papiamentu 2007

Goilo, E.R. Papaimentu Textbook, ninth edition 1994