
Adverbs can be divided into two classes, primary and derivative.


The derivative adverbs are made by adding the suffix -mente to adjectives. In the process of adding -mente the final vowel of the adjective may change, or the vowel -a- may be inserted if the adjective ends with a consonant.


rápido, rápidamente

rapid, rapidly


spesial, spesialmente

special, specially


dirèkt, direktamente

direct, directly


Primary adverbs are not derived from adjectives or other types of words. Here are a few examples.


awor : now

nunka : never

pronto : soon

semper : always

ya : already




Adverbs, like adjectives, have a comparative form made with mas and superlative form made with di mas.


lihé, mas lihé, di mas lihé

fast, faster, fastest


E ta kuri lihé.

He runs fast.


Pedro ta kuri mas lihé ku mi.

Pedro runs faster than I.


E ta kuri di mas lihé ku tur.

He runs the fastest of all / he runs faster than all.


NOTE: Some speakers use the variant kore instead of kuri for "to run."






Blankenburg, Eleanor Basic Papiamentu Grammar for English Speakers 1986

Goilo, E.R. Papaimentu Textbook, ninth edition 1994

Ratzlaff, Betty English-Papiamentu Bilingual Dictionary, first edition 1992